As a Site Foreman on Commercial Buildings in the greater Seattle area I was always pushed, stressed and in conflict with other Foremen, Superintendents and tradesmen.

During an extensive 90-Day Mentoring course on the Seven Levels of Awareness with William Todd, things began changing. I no longer blamed others, felt conflicted and reduced my stress like never before. A sense of calm has replaced the daily stress and accountability has replaced blame. Responsibility has changed the whole chemistry of being a foreman and working with others in the field. Time after time people comment on my great attitude.

My twenty plus crew, have better attitudes and attendance. Days just run like they should. In meetings I assume accountability and accept responsibility putting an end to finger pointing and the usual construction site foreman’s meetings antics. The repetition teachings have changed everything, I run numerous job sites now and take these lessons home where results are better as well.  

If you need a change , a great improvement from within I highly recommend you look no further.

You owe it to yourself and others around you to raise your awareness with ‘The 7 Steps of Awareness’.

Steve Renwick